Active Shooter Prevention for Schools, Businesses, and Public Locations

Active Shooter Prevention for Schools, Businesses, and Public Locations

Active shooter incidents are unfortunately becoming more and more frequent. Sadly our kids are at a higher risk of being a victim than ever before. Viper Security wants to help reduce that risk as much as possible.  Many schools, businesses, and public locations have done what they can to prevent this with locked doors, more cameras installed on buildings and run active shooter practice drills. Another tool that can be used to help prevent an active shooter incident is a mobile trailer security camera unit that can be placed on the property to monitor areas that are not easily seen with the cameras mounted on the buildings as these high attendance schools, businesses, events, and public locations have large parking lots, even the best zoom cameras are limited to viewing such distances and when zoomed out that far can easily miss what is going on closer to the building or venue.

When a mobile security camera unit is deployed is these areas you are now able to see these hard-to-see areas a lot more clearly, but there are many more useful features with these systems. In the event an active shooter suspect comes onto the property, the chances of seeing a gun, or guns, greatly increases, locking down a school or building and getting law enforcement on the way and prepared for such a devastating event can now  potentially have an advanced warning when reaction time is crucial! The cameras can also have a thermal option which can be highly useful for seeing and distinguishing between people and vehicles which cannot be hidden under darkness, thick fog, or even in wooded areas. This highly important type of information can be relayed to law enforcement and the threat, or threats stopped much faster! The flashing blue lights can also be turned on remotely to let these criminals know they have been identified, and for an extra layer of effectiveness, you can also have a prerecorded message played over the loudspeaker, or even call into the unit to speak directly to the individual, or law enforcement if needed.

When it comes to an active shooter incident, many lives can be potentially saved when this product is added to your security measures to prevent an active shooter!

Contact us for more info!