How to Stop Auto Racing on Your Property, NOW!
Auto racing on commercial property is becoming more of an issue recently and we have had many requests to help solve the problem. Auto racing on your property isn’t just a nuisance,it results in very costly property damage, and leaves the property owner open to all kinds of liability.
Auto Racing Property Damage:
- Vandalism
- Littering
- Skid marks on pavement
- Injuries involving race spectators
- Injuries involving race drivers
- Accidents involving your customers and/or employees
- Violent crimes
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the number of speeding related injuries and deaths, including street racing, has been increasing, year after year. Most of these deaths and injuries are teen aged kids and young adults. Source: NHTSA
Any parent who loses a child will most likely be looking into a wrongful death lawsuit, and when they can’t blame the other participants, they will most likely look into the property owner.
More auto racing stats…
In 2001, San Diego California reported street racing was termed an “epidemic”.
In 2001, the State of Florida reported over 7,200 citations were issued for racing.
Nearly 50 people are injured per every 1,000 people who participated in illegal street racing.
In 2001, it was reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) that police reported street racing as a primary contributing factor in over 130 fatal crashes. That total was up from over 70 street racing fatalities that were reported in 2000.
The Solution….
The best solution is deterrence! Let’s face it, you don’t really want to capture the problem happening and prosecute individuals, right? The best way to handle this is to STOP it! Stopping the problem costs you less money, less chance of injuries or death = MUCH less headaches! When deterrence isn’t enough, we are left with enforcement and prosecution. At that point you will need evidence.
Viper Security offers the perfect solution! Our Mobile Security Units are amazing at deterrence AND recording video evidence!
As you can see from the video above, the deterrence factor of our Mobile Security Units is nothing short of amazing! For more information, or to apply for a no-obligation, free on-site demo, contact us!